WPS 3.7.1

Basic information

Tested on (Requirements)

  • OS base: CentOS (x86_64) \(\boldsymbol{\ge}\) 6.6 (Rocks 6.2)
  • Dependencies to run WPS:
    • WRF 3.7.1
    • jasper 1.900.1


The following procedure is the easiest way to install Wps v3.7.1 in a cluster.

  1. A WPS module must be created to add the dependencies to the environment:

    ## module load wps/3.7.1_intel-2017_update-1
    ## /share/apps/modules/wps/3.7.1_intel-2017_update-1
    ## Written by Alejandro Salgado-Gómez
    proc ModulesHelp {} {
        global version modroot
        puts stderr "Sets the environment for using wps-3.7.1\
            \nin the shared directory /share/apps/wps/3.7.1/intel-2017_update-1/\
            \nbuilded with intel-2017_update-1, wrf-3.7.1, netcdf-fortran-4.4.3,\
            \nnetcdf-4.4.0, hdf5-1.8.16, jasper-1.900.1\n"
    module-whatis "(Name________) wps"
    module-whatis "(Version_____) 3.7.1"
    module-whatis "(Compilers___) intel-2017_update-1"
    module-whatis "(System______) x86_64-redhat-linux"
    module-whatis "(Libraries___) "
    # for Tcl script use only
    set         topdir        /share/apps/wps/3.7.1/intel-2017_update-1
    set         version       3.7.1
    set         sys           x86_64-redhat-linux
    module load intel/2017_update-1
    module load jasper/1.900.1_intel-2017_update-1
  2. Descargar la versión deseada del software (Source code - tar.gz) [1]

    cd /home/asalgad2/wps
    wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/src/WPSV3.7.1.TAR.gz
    tar -xvf WPSV3.7.1.TAR.gz
  3. After decompressing WPS, we continue with the following steps for its configuration and compilation:

    cd WPS
  4. The necessary environment modules are loaded:

    module load wps/3.7.1_<compilador>
  5. We launch the configuration

  • The necessary environment modules are loaded:
  1. Edit the configuration file (configure.wps) to enable the use of large files:
  • Change the WRF_DIR variable to the location

    WRF_DIR = /share/apps/wrf/3.7.1/intel-2017_update-1/
  • Depending on the compiler version, the parameter -f90 = ifort must be removed from the following line

    DM_FC = mpif90 -f90=ifort
  1. Now if we can start with the Wps compilation:

    ./compile | tee wps-compilation.log
    sudo mkdir -p /share/apps/wps/3.7.1/<compilador usado>
    sudo cp -r * /share/apps/wps/3.7.1/<compilador usado>

Mode of Use

  • NOTE: Before starting it is necessary to load the WRF module if it exists, otherwise load its dependencies.

    module load wrf/3.7.1_gcc-5.4.0


Objective: Generate the files ‘geo_em.dxx.nc’ as output, where xx represents the domain number. [2]

  1. Position yourself in the directory where you want to generate the output files, in our case it will be in the same directory of the geogrid.exe binary

    cd WPS/gcc-5.4.0/
  2. Edit the geog_data_path field in the namelist.wps file located in the WPSV3 directory to specify the location of the input files referring to the Terrain, usually located in a folder called wrfhelp/WPS_GEOG

    geog_data_path = '/path/to/data/wrfhelp/WPS_GEOG'
  3. Run Geogrid



Objective: From GRIB files, generate files with an intermediate format that will then be processed by Metgrid [3]

  1. Execute the link_grib.csh script specifying as the only parameter the location of the input GRIB files

    ./link_grib.csh /path/to/grib/files/
  2. Create in the directory where the executable ungrib.exe is located a file called Vtable based on the desired file, either by copying it or by making a symbolic link.

    ln -sf ./ungrib/Variable_Tables/VtableDeseada Vtable
  3. Run ungrib.exe



Objective: Generate the files met_em.d01.YYYY-MM-DD_HH:00:00.nc and met_em.dxx.YYYY-MM-DD_HH:00:00.nc, which are necessary to use WRF.

  1. Once the Geogrid and Ungrib files are generated in the root directory of the WPS binaries, run Metgrid.



  • Alejandro Salgado-Gómez
  • Andrés Felipe Zapata Palacio