Tested on (Requirements)

  • OS base: CentOS (x86_64) \(\boldsymbol{\ge}\) 8
  • Dependencies to run mdstress-lib:
    • fftw
    • lapack


For the installation process we’ll follow the guide on the gromacs documentation [1]

  1. First of all, we need to load the following modules for the compilation

    $ module load fftw/3.3.5_intel_impi-2017_update-1
    $ module load cmake/3.7.1
    $ module load lapack/3.6.1_gcc-4.9.4
  2. Then download the tar.gz file and unpack it

    $ wget --trust-server-name
    $ tar -xzvf mdstress-library-12282019.tar.gz
    $ cd mdstress-library
  3. Then we need to create a directory named “built”, and then we run the cmake tool

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ ccmake ../
  4. The interface of cmake will appear and you have to edit a few things

    • Then press c to configure
    • Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to the installation dir
    • Press c again and the it will appear the option to press g, press it and do make and make install


[1]Gromacs documentation, retrieved on May 18, 2020 from
Author:Manuela Herrera-López