
Basic information


  • Octave 3.4 (recommended), currently use Octave 4.0.3
  • python >= 2.7.11


  1. Download the installation medium of the following link https://uspex-team.org/en/uspex/downloads and enter with the credentials provided by Jorge David.

2 .Upload the file USPEX-9.4.4.tar.gz to Apollo and perform the following steps:

scp USPEX-9.4.4.tar.gz 'USERNAME'@apolo:/home/$USER/apps/uspex/src
cd /home/$USER/apps/uspex/src
tar xf USPEX-9.4.4.tar.gz
cd USPEX-9.4.4
mkdir -p /share/apps/uspex/9.4.4
module load octave/4.0.3_intel-2017_update-1 python/2.7.12_intel-2017_update-1
  • The installation will automatically detect the octave PATH; The installation path for USPEX must be indicated (/share/apps/uspex/9.4.4)
  1. The following file contains the Matlab or Octave PATH that will be used, in this case check that it has the path to the octave binary.
  • /share/apps/uspex/9.4.4/CODEPATH
  1. To “guarantee” the integration with Octave it is necessary to run the following commands:
files=$(grep -lR "echo -e" /share/apps/uspex/9.4.4)
for file in $files; do sed -i -- 's/echo -e/echo/g' $file; done


## module load uspex//share/apps/modules/uspex/9.4.4
## /share/apps/uspex/9.4.4
## Written by Mateo Gómez-Zuluaga

proc ModulesHelp {} {
    global version modroot
    puts stderr "uspex/9.4.4 - sets the Environment for use USPEX in \
        \n\t\tthe shared directory /share/apps/uspex/9.4.4"

module-whatis "(Name________) uspex"
module-whatis "(Version_____) 9.4.4"
module-whatis "(Compiler____) "
module-whatis "(System______) x86_64-redhat-linux"
module-whatis "(Libraries___) "

# for Tcl script use only
set         topdir        /share/apps/uspex/9.4.4
set         version       9.4.4
set         sys           x86_64-redhat-linux

conflict uspex

module load octave/4.0.3_intel-2017_update-1
module load python/2.7.12_intel-2017_update-1

prepend-path PATH   $topdir

setenv       USPEXPATH  /share/apps/uspex/9.4.4/src

Mode of use

module load uspex/9.4.4



  • User manual USPEX 9.4.4


  • Mateo Gómez Zuluaga