1. Installation of multiple packages

Internet often indicate using anible’s pseudo looping method to install multiple packages is the way to go. However, this can prove to be slow due to packages being installed one by one.

- name: Install multiple packages one by one
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: present
    update_cache: yes
    - emacs
    - nano
    - vim
    - nmap
    - htop

An effective approach to install multiple packages in a single transaction is to provide a list of their names to the yum module:

- name: Install multiple packages in one transaction
      - emacs
      - nano
      - vim
      - nmap
      - htop
    state: present
    update_cache: yes

2. User account creation

The user module ensures an user is created and their password setup properly by taking an optional password argument. This argument, however, is not the actual password, as most would think, but its hashed value. The hashing can be accomplished using ansible’s hash-filters or other tools such as openssl or python.

Using hash-filters

- user:
    name: username
    password: "{{ '<password>' | password_hash('sha512', '<salt>') }}"
    shell: /usr/bin/nologin

Using openssl

openssl passwd -1 '<password>'