
Install a package

To install a package in the current environment use:

conda install <package-name>

Also, you can specify an environment for the installation:

conda install -n <environment-name> <package-name>

Additionally, you can install a specific package version:

conda install <package-name>=<x.x.x>

conda install scipy=0.15.0


You can install multiple packages at once.

conda install <package-name> <package-name>

conda install <package-name>=<x.x.x> <package-name>=<x.x.x>

Uninstall a package

To remove a list of packages from your current environment use, you can use remove or uninstall (that is an alias for remove):

conda remove <package-name>

Also, you can specify an environment:

conda remove -n <environment-name> <package-name>


You can uninstall multiple packages at once.

conda remove <package-name> <package-name>

Update packages

You can check if a new package update is available, you can choose to install it or not:

conda update <package>

Others useful commands

  • Clean: Use this command to remove unused packages and caches
    conda clean
  • List: List all the packages in the current environment
    conda list
  • Search: Search for packages and display associated information.
    conda search  <package-name>